Monday, March 14, 2011

Love and the road ahead

Love is essentially a thought, which can be visualized as a vehicle that enters a narrow lane. The vehicle can go either ahead or reverse.
All succeeding thoughts are like vehicles that enter the same lane, in the same direction. The more your Love ventures inside, greater becomes the number of Thoughts behind it.
Life becomes beautiful when the Thought of Love covers the entire lane, unhindered.
But what if you see some boulders on the lane, or perhaps a dead end?
You have to reverse, you cannot go ahead.
But what about the huge pile of thoughts you have behind you?
You need a huge force that will drag all the vehicles in the reverse direction, till you get out of the lane.
What is this force?
Either it can be someone else's love, that will force you to enter his/her lane of Love,
or your self determination, and that has to be strong, very strong!!!

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