Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dreams, Hopes and Expectations

Dreams become an integral part of our lives since we are born. We dream about many things, about becoming as rich as Bill Gates, or getting to marry the best looking actor/actress or even going to Moon, Mars and Venus. Dreams are essentially immature.

As we mature, our dreams are ruled by hope. You start taking things practically. You settle for a nice job, you hoped to get after college. You settle with a partner, whom you love. It is always better to hope to get what you want, rather than expecting to get what you want. This is because in case you do not get what you hoped to get, you do feel bad, but since you did not expect anything from it, you can recover from the disappointment very soon. And if you get what you hoped to get, you value that particular entity (be it a job, thing or life partner) throughout your life.

Expectations are where we screw our lives. Expectation is a very dangerous emotion. You feel like you are flying 35,000 feet above mean sea level, when actually your feet are firmly grounded with the stickiest adhesive available (or perhaps below the ground). If you do not get what you have been expecting, it can serve as a big blow, an impact from which it is very difficult to recover. And when you get what you have been expecting, you take it from granted, and might never value it.

Dreams, Hopes and Expectations are part and parcel of everyone of us. What determines the quality of one's life is the choice made between these three emotions.

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